May 2016 -  Long Lost Page and Important Announcements

(This post is going to be a long one, but please take the time to read it, it will explain everything I promise!)

It’s been nearly over a year since we last posted any art, and we apologize for this. We both had some serious real life missions to complete and now that those are done we are back to the art room for some more collaborating. Before we went our temporary separate ways we did manage to complete another page in full and a few other half finished pages. Updating today is the long lost page 119 where we finally get to see Rika, Aze and M again. Unfortunately it may be the last time we see them for a long time.

It breaks my heart to say this but The Revolution comic is going on an indefinite hiatus. We still love the characters and the story, but the fact of the matter is that this comic was always number 2 in my books and was created for the sole purpose of figuring out the comic process. The initial story was rushed and story arcs were too long and drawn out. The world itself was always intended to be more of a steampunk fantasy but ended up becoming some weird futuristic sci-fi design and I am not enjoying drawing and creating these types of environments. We both want to push our illustration style even further and enter environments and characters that we will enjoy rendering.

Both Aze and myself have decided we have learned all we can from The Revolution’s 7 year creative process and we are going to sit down with a story and universe that has been 12 years in the making. We want to do this story right, with proper environment designs and characters that don’t seem so flat. Not sure if we will be able to do this one right either, but we think it will be a more engaging and interesting story to present. As always we do these things for fun and to develop our own skills further so we will be interested in feedback and comments during the creative process.

Maybe one day we will be able to support drawing both comics, but for now we are looking towards something new and fresh and exciting. For the readers out there who have followed us along this journey and been patient with us we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and we hope you continue to follow us as we develop a new story for you to read.

Thank you to the spider forest community for opening your doors to us and for supporting us through the process of developing a comic. We have met some amazing people through the community and we plan on being active members once again, even if we are on this hiatus.

Finally, for those interested in following along with the development of our new world we have started a new tumblr where you can follow us and comment. As always our deviant art pages are still active as well (although I think we plan on using the tumblr as our ‘art journal’ for this process). At the bottom of the page is a link to the tumblr and the title of our new story The Rikas: Guardians.

What to expect from us in the future is a story set in a fantasy setting with four main protagonists who’s personalities are more defined and original. Blue intends to develop her illustration into a more cartoony vibrant style with more emotion and unique designs, while Aze will be bringing his new knowledge of 3D rendering to the table to create elaborate environments, interesting colour pallets and weapon designs.  The story itself was first written in early 2005 and has undergone nearly 12 years of changes and development. A final draft is being developed as we work on artwork and concept sketches.

Please follow our tumblr for these updates, or our facebook page and deviantart pages which are still active. We will still update on this website on occasion, since we may have another lost pages somewhere in our archives.


Thanks for reading and for sticking with us so far! 

